About Me

I've lived every year of my life in a different place, and have first-hand experience with inequality of opportunity globally. The moment I discovered NFTs, I realized they could be a solution to this exact problem, and a few months later I co-founded The Dream Conduit.

The Dream Conduit is a 501c3 non-profit educating creatives about NFTs and blockchain. We've delivered over 12,500 hours of free education over the past year, and are building a DAO from the ground-up that will have full control over the nonprofit and its future. We're close to becoming the first tax-exempt DAO.

I launched this newsletter to document developments in Ethereum, blockchain and web3 in a way accessible to all. I’m deeply passionate about decentralization, and crucial to that ideal is general knowledge of developments in the blockchain ecosystem. That knowledge enables us to influence the way blockchain evolves.

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Simple write-ups on blockchain concepts.


I write and educate on blockchain.